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Friday 18 June 2010

'I like animalistic sex over the head'

Revealing the secrets of her bedroom, the singleton reveals she asks her lovers to ‘bonk me over the head’.
Cameron Diaz Cameron Diaz has spoken out about her sex life...again
She also admits to travelling the world in search of her next bit of action. In a no-holds-barred chat with Playboy magazine, the 37-year-old says, ‘I’m primal on an animalistic level, kind of like, “Bonk me over the head, throw me over your shoulder. You man, me woman”.’

The There’s Something About Mary star says she just can’t get enough of being touched.

‘I love physical contact. I have to be touching my lover, like, always. It’s not optional,’ she says.

And distance is no obstacle for her. ‘I can’t even count how many times I’ve gotten on a plane for love. You’ve got to go where it is,’ she admits.

But one fella she’s not biting into is Madonna’s ex, Alex Rodriguez. Diaz denies she is dating the 34-year-old baseball player. ‘No, no, no. I’ve been in relationships since I was 16 years old. In the past three years I’ve made a conscious decision not to be in a relationship for as long as I want,’ says the star.

I’ve stayed away from all the traps out there for me to just fall into something that will potentially lead me down the same road... I want to have a relationship with myself right now.’

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